Tuesday, April 12, 2011

SpRinG BreAk

In our little neck of the woods.... it's SpRinG BreAk! Our ventures this year will be close to home.... a "stay"cation, as they say.

So after a number of votes and requests from our kids we finally narrowed the week down to some realistic, reasonable activities to do. We decided on activities for M, W, F, so that Dad can balance "play" time and "work" time.

Yesterday started our ventures. We found a great place in Provo called Lowe's Air Sports

Lots of jumping and running and fun. It was loads of fun and my kids did not want to leave!

As the evening rolled around we met up with family for some bowling and yummy pizza afterwords.
I must say, sometimes the simple, easy things really are just as fun as the big and extraordinary.... the best thing is spending the time together.

Here's to the rest of the week!

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