Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Favorites

What has become a big time favorite at our house, for my kids especially, is Hot Chocolate!

We have gone from the standard "milk chocolate fix" to an assortment of flavors and add-ins.

We had a little Christmas gathering this past week and put together a whole
"Hot Chocolate Bar" spread....
which, by the way, was really fun and easy to put together!

To not complicate the chocolate flavors for this particular night, we stuck with the milk chocolate hot chocolate and did all of our 'jazzing up' with the add-ins...

We had whip cream, marshmellows, candy canes for basic starters and then also had hot tamales, m&m's, white chocolate dipped marshmellows with sprinkles or peppermint candy, donut holes and the big favorite, caramel white chocolate dipped spoons with sprinkles! Yum!

So... maybe this weekend, shake it up a little and give it a try.
Cozy up to the fire with a hot cup of cocoa... maybe a new flavor and some new add-ins.

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