Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Favorites

This week I thought it was appropriate to give my Friday Favorites homage to Mother's Day.

Not that it's my favorite holiday, although the extra added measure of helping out and "Sure Mom, no problem" answers are definitely an added bonus!

But my "favorite" is being a Mom. Yes, it has it's share of ups and downs, no doubt. But really, when all is said and done, no other job in the whole world is more rewarding (and trying and crazy and satisfying and enlightening and heart warming) than being a "Mom".

I have five kids.... I love how much they are the same, but how they are completely different. I love seeing them grow and interact. I love how the help me see the better things in life... they notice the small, simple things.

My oldest just turned "20"! (yes, it's kind of freaking me out) and my youngest is 7.... Oh wow, how time does fly! It was yesterday, I swear, that my oldest was 7!

There may be lots of days that we'd like to throw in the towel and call it good. But soak it up, enjoy each moment because yours will be 20 before you know it too!! : )

Happy Mother's Day!
Enjoy all the extra love, attention and "sure mom" replies!

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